Anxiety raised by IT Consultant over the ‘growing trend’ among married Nigerian women

There is apprehension about the increasing tendency of Nigerian women to outsource cooking to vendors, as expressed by a man.


Bayo Adedosu, an IT consultant, voiced his concern in a tweet: “There’s a growing trend amongst Nigerian women these days…..they order Stews, Soups and Jollof they eat at home from vendors. And I mean married women.”


IT consultant expresses concern as he points out the


His tweet faced criticism, but he remained firm in his stance. 


Responding to the backlash, he added: “I didn’t refer to Nigeria…… I outsourced my laundry when I was in Naija.”


Further replies to his tweets and his responses are provided below.


IT consultant expresses concern as he points out the


IT consultant expresses concern as he points out the


IT consultant expresses concern as he points out the

IT consultant expresses concern as he points out the


IT consultant expresses concern as he points out the


IT consultant expresses concern as he points out the


IT consultant expresses concern as he points out the