Sansi’s women are happy. They have just inaugurated a well. They have built it with the fruit of their work. Right in the middle of his small town, in the north of Benin. In the vicinity of the Sahel. It hasn’t been easy, but they have achieved it.
That is why the effort made by these women is so laudable. As always, the beginning was not easy. They do everything manually. They collect seeds that fall from shea trees, which can reach 15 meters in height. They boil them, dry them, grind them in mortars and put them back in the sun. One last mash and the result is mixed with water. The strong arms of the cooperative members emulsify the powder with the water to obtain a butter. They continue beating it until it turns white. Then, it is ready to be sold.
They saved for years. They got the money to have some men dig the well for them. They no longer had to walk far in search of water. Especially during the dry season. A rope with a bucket tied to the end was enough for them to get the loot without going more than a few meters from their homes. They were not afraid that it would stop raining. Throughout the year the liquid flows without interruption.
They recently got one of the social enterprises that buys their butter to give them a loan to seal the well and install a pedal pump. This way they avoid water contamination and it is easier to obtain it. Simply press the lever lightly with your foot and the liquid flows out. Children love this work, it is a game for them.
The arrival of water to the town has allowed them to plant orchards in the arid lands that surround their village. The men are happy too. The animals drink from the water trough built at the foot of the well. It saves them the long walks of yesteryear.
Entrepreneurial women improving the life of their village.
In the image, several Sansi women draw water from the well. Photography: Chema Caballero