‘Why money isn’t key to happiness’ – Banky W

‘Reframing the concept of happiness’ – Banky W

Expressing a perspective contrary to the mainstream belief, Nigerian artist and spiritual leader Banky W has shared that money does not hold the key to happiness.

In his view, the prevalence of billionaires taking their own lives serves as evidence that money alone cannot guarantee happiness.

Banky W revealed this insight during a recent appearance on the show ‘Who’s In My House,’ hosted by Hawa Magaji where he discussed his transition from a music icon to a clergyman.

He articulated, “I firmly believe that there exists a void within every individual that only God can fill. Attempting to fill this void with alternatives such as money, fame, success, relationships, substances, or indulgences will inevitably leave one feeling unfulfilled.”

Reflecting on the misconception often held, he added, “Many times, particularly in our youth, we pursue money as if it is the ultimate pursuit. While money is undoubtedly necessary for a certain level of comfort, it falls short as the sole source of happiness. The tragic reality is that even billionaires, whom we may perceive as having it all, sometimes succumb to despair.”

He further emphasized, “One cannot ignore the profound wisdom in the biblical verse, ‘What does it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his own soul.’ This resonated with me around 2014/2015, when outwardly one may appear accomplished, yet inwardly feel lacking.”