Virtuous women don’t allow maids cook for their husbands – Anglican Priest says

An Anglican priest condemned the practice of women allowing their domestic staff to cook for their husbands. Rev. Azubuike Mgbikeh, of the Church of Nigeria, Anglican Communion, Akwa, Anambra State, expressed his disapproval of women delegating their responsibilities to their maids while speaking on Mothers’ Day, March 22, 2020.

During his message themed “The Virtuous Woman and The Home,” Rev. Azubuike Mgbikeh emphasized that one of the traits of the virtuous woman in the Bible was her ability to cater to the welfare of the family, including preparing food for the husband and children. He highlighted the unfortunate trend of women not knowing how to cook and immediately seeking househelps once they get married. He urged women not to allow househelps to cook for their husbands, stating that a virtuous woman would not do so, except for meals that are not soup and stew.

Furthermore, he listed other qualities that a virtuous woman should possess, including caring for the poor and needy, maintaining modesty in character, speech, and dressing, as well as being supportive and hard-working.