Top Manager in Premier League History Named by Carragher, Snubs Alex Ferguson

Anointing Pep Guardiola as the premier manager in the history of the Premier League is Liverpool icon Jamie Carragher.

During the last seven years, Guardiola has clinched six titles, having made his entrance into English football in 2016, a year that proved demanding for him.

Since then, the former manager of Bayern Munich has continually succeeded in securing the league championship every season, with the exception of the 2019/2020 season when Liverpool emerged victorious.

On the most recent Stick to Football podcast, Carragher expressed his viewpoint, stating: “I’d put Pep Guardiola top of Premier League.”

“Sir Alex Ferguson’s achievements at Aberdeen might potentially rank him higher than Pep, however, considering the Premier League, Guardiola’s record of six titles in seven years stands out, and he has only been in the league for eight years.’

“It took Ferguson seven years to clinch his first title after joining.”