Socialite Diane Egbueje Exposes Chats Revealing Why Actress Dorcas Fapson Assaulted Her Sister Sophia Egbueje

After calling out Nollywood actress Dorcas Fapson for assaulting her sister, socialite Diane Egbueje has shared screenshots of conversations shedding light on the reasons behind the altercation.

The shared chats depict a heated argument between Dorcas and Sophia, centered around the latter’s absence at the actress’s birthday party. Additionally, there is a conversation where the socialite requests repayment of money allegedly borrowed from the actress.

View the screenshots below:

Socialite, Diane Egbueje shares screenshots of chats revealing why Actress Dorcas Fapson assaulted her sister Sophia Egbueje

Socialite, Diane Egbueje shares screenshots of chats revealing why Actress Dorcas Fapson assaulted her sister Sophia Egbueje

Socialite, Diane Egbueje shares screenshots of chats revealing why Actress Dorcas Fapson assaulted her sister Sophia Egbueje

Socialite, Diane Egbueje shares screenshots of chats revealing why Actress Dorcas Fapson assaulted her sister Sophia Egbueje

Socialite, Diane Egbueje shares screenshots of chats revealing why Actress Dorcas Fapson assaulted her sister Sophia Egbueje