Shocking Incident: Witness Collapses and Passes Away in Ondo Court

In a tragic turn of events at the Ondo State High Court in Ondo town, a septuagenarian intended witness collapsed and sadly died, causing chaos within the court premises.

The unfortunate incident unfolded as individuals were seated, awaiting the judge’s emergence from the chamber.

The elderly man, who remains unidentified, had accompanied a friend to the court to serve as a witness in an ongoing trial.

Eyewitnesses revealed that the man, seemingly in good health, suddenly collapsed without any apparent cause and tragically passed away on the spot.

According to one witness, the man stood abruptly from his chair, fell, hitting his head on the tiles, and succumbed to his fate instantly.

Despite appearing healthy, he did not show any signs of illness before the sudden collapse.

Following the distressing incident, efforts were made by the court clerk and some litigants to summon an ambulance and the police from the nearby Enu-Owa Police Division to remove the man’s body to the mortuary.

Authorities from the Enu-Owa Police Division confirmed the incident and indicated that the case had been transferred to their headquarters in Akure.