Sharia Police officials detained by airport security for illegal parking (video)

The Director-General of Kano Hisbah Board, also known as Sharia Police, Mohammad Harun Ibn Sina, faced a detention of his official car by the Aviation security at the Mallam Aminu Kano International Airport in Kano, on Monday, January 6.

This incident also led to the detention of two Sharia Police officials by the Federal Airport Authority of Nigeria (FAAN) security officials after a dispute over illegal parking of the DG’s official vehicle. Eyewitnesses reported that FAAN officials initially instructed the Sharia Police officials to move their vehicle to a designated parking area within the airport which incurs charges for parked vehicles, as they waited for Sina’s arrival. However, they allegedly declined to comply, resulting in a physical confrontation.

The whole incident was captured in a video, as shown in the Instagram post below: