Operation UDOKA: 14 Boats Destroyed by Troops in Abia State

On Friday evening, troops of Operation UDOKA recovered and destroyed 14 boats along with numerous drums of crude oil from oil bunkerers at Isimini Waterside in Ukwa West Local Government Area of Abia State.

During a mission near an oil flow station, Major Gen. Hassan Dada, the General Officer Commanding (GOC) of 82 Division of the Nigerian Army Enugu, disclosed that troops had laid siege to the bunkerers for five days based on intelligence before successfully apprehending them.

Six suspects were captured and handed over to the Nigeria Security and Civil Defense Corps, NSCDC, for further investigation and prosecution.

Accompanied by Brig. Gen. Olusola Diya, the Brigade Commander of 14 Brigade Nigerian Army, Ohafia, the GOC stated that among the confiscated boats, eight were large Cotonu boats while the rest were smaller vessels.

He explained that the bunkerers used their equipment to disrupt oil pipelines in the region, stealing crude oil – some of which was refined while the rest was sold at exorbitant prices to the nation’s adversaries at sea.

The leader of the illicit operation has been identified but remains at large. The GOC vowed that no economic saboteur would be tolerated within the operational territories of Operation UDOKA, emphasizing that the proceeds were channeled into financing terrorist activities.

Maj. Gen. Dada issued a stern warning to those involved in the illegal activities to desist or face the consequences imposed by the military.

He emphasized, “This is just the initial phase of our operation, and we are fully committed to ensuring that every culprit faces justice. No economic sabotage will be overlooked within the operational purview of Operation UDOKA.”

He further added, “Our mission here is to eradicate any form of economic sabotage within our operational zones. We have been conducting constant operations against those attempting to undermine our crucial oil resources, which serve as the backbone of our economy.”

Detailing the operation, he mentioned, “Based on intelligence reports, we maintained a stakeout here for five days until yesterday (Thursday) when the criminals arrived to siphon crude oil from the pipeline. Promptly, we launched our operation, seizing 14 boats, several of which were laden with crude oil.”