Oluwo of Iwo accused of allegedly beating up Agbowu of Ogbagbaa during a peace meeting

The peace meeting held to resolve a land dispute among monarchs within Iwo axis allegedly took a violent turn with the Oluwo of Iwo, Oba Abdulrasheed Akanbi accused of physically assaulting the Agbowu of Ogbagbaa, Oba Dhirulahi Akinropo in the presence of the Assistant Inspector General of Police (AIG) Zone 11, Bashir Makama and other officials.

Oba Agbaje Habeeb Adetoyese, the Olu of Ile-ogbo, confirmed the incident, describing the alleged attack as “bestial conduct” and claiming that Oluwo also threatened other royal fathers at the meeting. Oba Akinropo is currently receiving treatment at Osun State General Hospital in Asubiaro, Osogbo.

In response to the allegation, Oluwo of Iwo dismissed the issue, questioning the need for the sensationalism surrounding it. The Oluwo’s response came after a call for Governor Oyetola to suspend him, citing the potential danger he poses to other kings and the state.