Niger State and NSCDC Cooperate to Safeguard Telecoms Infrastructure

The vandalization of communication facilities by vandals has been lamented by the Niger State Government, following numerous complaints by telecommunications investors in the state.

During a courtesy visit to the state commandant of the Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps, NSCDC, Mr Joashin Okafor, in Minna, the Commissioner for Communication, Technology, and Digital Economy, Alh. Suleiman Isah, disclosed this.

An assertion was made by him that the state will no longer tolerate any act of vandalism of facilities.

He stated, “Restraint is being called for to enhance zero incidents of the menace for effective and efficient service delivery.”

Isah emphasized the need for collaboration between the state government and NSCDC in protecting the facilities, listing the mandates of the corps to include the protection of critical national assets, among others.

In response, the Niger State NSCDC commandant, Joashin Okafor, mentioned, “The command is ready to synergize with the Niger State government in fighting vandalism tendencies and their actors. They can no longer have a haven in the state. The Corps is saddled with the responsibility of protecting critical national assets and infrastructure, which will be sustained. We are assuring that the vandals have no home in Niger State.”