New Minimum Wage Demand Lowered by Labour to N500,000

During the ongoing negotiations at the Tripartite Committee on the National Minimum Wage, Organised Labour has revised their initial demand of N615,000 down to N500,000 in an effort to facilitate a resolution.

The government team remains firm on their offer of N54,000, citing financial constraints and the private sector’s purported inability to meet higher wage demands.

In response, the private sector has increased their proposed wage to N57,000 from the original N54,000.

It has been acknowledged that the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) has provided compelling evidence to support their revised proposal. However, concerns have been raised about eight states failing to fully implement the 2019 minimum wage.

The discussions have also touched upon the shortage of available funds and the perceived financial challenges within the private sector.

In light of this, Organised Labour has demonstrated flexibility by lowering their demand to N500,000 in response to government’s position.

During the meeting, Imo State Governor, Hope Uzodimma, was in attendance, filling in for the absentee governors who are members of the committee.