Moment Nollywood Actress Dorcas Fapson assaulted socialite, Sophia Egbueje in a hotel (video)

Nollywood Actress Dorcas Fapson Caught on Video Assaulting Socialite, Sophia Egbueje in a Hotel

Footage has emerged showing Nollywood actress Dorcas Fapson physically assaulting socialite Sophia Egbueje, despite her earlier denial of the incident.

Yesterday, LIB reported on the allegation made by the socialite’s sister, Diane Egbueje, accusing the actress of assaulting her sister for refusing to loan her items for Instagram stunts. Dorcas publicly dismissed the accusation, labeling the sisters as seeking publicity in an Instastory post.

Diane, however, provided evidence to support her claims, including a video capturing the moment when the assault took place and Dorcas threatening to harm Sophia.

Below is the video;

More videos capturing the assault were also shared, revealing the ongoing conflict between Dorcas Fapson and Sophia Egbueje.

Furthermore, Diane rebutted the claims that the assault was motivated by a romantic affair between Dorcas and Sophia.

Moment Nollywood Actress Dorcas Fapson assaulted socialite, Sophia Egbueje in a hotel (video)

Moment Nollywood Actress Dorcas Fapson assaulted socialite, Sophia Egbueje in a hotel (video)

Moment Nollywood Actress Dorcas Fapson assaulted socialite, Sophia Egbueje in a hotel (video)

Moment Nollywood Actress Dorcas Fapson assaulted socialite, Sophia Egbueje in a hotel (video)

Moment Nollywood Actress Dorcas Fapson assaulted socialite, Sophia Egbueje in a hotel (video)