Man lights himself ablaze near court as Trump’s trial unfolds

In a startling turn of events, a man ignited himself in a park across from the courthouse in New York amidst the ongoing legal proceedings involving former president Donald Trump.

As per CNN reports, the individual doused himself in a flammable liquid before setting his body alight.

Upon hearing screams and witnessing the distressing scene, law enforcement swiftly intervened to extinguish the flames while onlookers offered assistance.

Following this dire act, the man was carefully loaded into an awaiting ambulance and swiftly driven away from the location.

The reasons behind the man’s drastic decision to set himself on fire remain unclear at this time.

This tragic incident unfolded in Collect Pond Park, directly facing the courthouse where the trial of Trump is presently unfolding.

The vicinity of the courthouse remains heavily secured, with a significant number of police personnel stationed there around the clock.