Gospel singer, Victor Thompson shared a surprising past

Victor Thompson, a well-known Gospel singer, has revealed some shocking details about his early life.

The singer behind the song ‘This Year’ opened up about resorting to selling weed and alcohol to make ends meet after losing both parents at the age of 12.

During a candid conversation with Chude Jideonwo, Thompson remembered how he spent his days selling sachet water and his nights selling alcohol, weed, and cigarettes to sex workers.

“I used to be involved in various hustles like selling alcohol, weed, and cigarettes, as well as working as a vulcanizer and cobbler during the day. But at night, I’d return to my shop near a brothel to cater to my customers, mostly prostitutes,” he shared.

Reflecting on his past, Thompson recalled the challenging times he faced after losing his parents at a young age.

“I lost both my parents when I was around 12 to 14. My father was the first to pass away when I was about 10 years old. After his death, my aunts ejected us from our home. We were left homeless. Luckily, a generous carpenter offered us a vacant land to spend the nights. It was a bushy area, and at night, I would sneak my mother in. That’s how we survived for years until she also passed away,” he recounted.