Former Chelsea Star Unhappy with Club’s Decision to Fire Pochettino

Ashley Cole, a Chelsea legend, has voiced his disappointment regarding the club’s choice to dismiss ex-manager Mauricio Pochettino.

Cole felt that the team was making progress under Pochettino’s guidance and was hopeful that the decision would still be beneficial for the club’s advancement.

It should be noted that Chelsea recently terminated Pochettino’s contract as the manager of the team.

During an interview with Virgin Media Sport, Cole highlighted the challenging nature of the Chelsea managerial position and expressed surprise at Pochettino’s departure.

“It was always going to be a tough task with the high expectations set by the board. It was a rocky start for him, but achieving the position they did was quite commendable,” Cole remarked.

“I am disappointed to see him go, but the club has its own vision for the team’s future and the type of manager they wish to bring in. Let’s hope their direction leads to success.”