George Moghalu addresses rumors about switching from APC to LP

In response to circulating social media speculations, George Moghalu, a former member of the National Working Committee of the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC), has clarified that he has not defected to the opposition Labour Party (LP).

Recent reports on social media claimed that Moghalu had departed from the APC to join the Labour Party.

Speaking with reporters in Abuja, the politician hailing from Anambra dismissed these rumors, emphasizing his consistent party allegiance.

He highlighted his current academic pursuits, including a law degree from a private university in Abuja and his aspiration for a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) at the University of Abuja.

Regarding the speculation of joining the LP, Moghalu outlined his approach to making such a decision at his level in the political landscape.

He explained, “Any potential party switch would involve formal notification through recognized channels, such as a statement from an official representative or my media office. Until such procedures are undertaken, I affirm my membership with the APC.”

He added, “The recent social media reports about my purported move to the LP triggered global inquiries regarding its accuracy. I want to make it clear that I remain affiliated with the APC. Should there be any change in my party affiliation, it will be communicated publicly following the appropriate processes required at my level of engagement.”

Concluding his statement, he asserted his right to engage in politics and influence political processes even if he chooses to remain outside formal party structures.