Any relationship built on social media doesn't last – BBNaija's Nina uses actress Nkechi Blessing Sunday's "failed relationship" for advice; NBS reacts

The headline of the article is “Any relationship built on social media doesn’t last – BBNaija’s Nina uses actress Nkechi Blessing Sunday’s “failed relationship” for advice; NBS reacts”. The article discusses how actress Nkechi Blessing Sunday and Big Brother 2018 housemate, Nina, are involved in a social media relationship advice spat.

Nkechi Blessing Sunday reacted to Nina using a screenshot of a report about the rumored breakup of her relationship with US-based actor Mike Adeyemi on her Instastory to give relationship advice. The article references Mike’s Instagram post that sparked speculations about the end of his relationship with Nkechi Blessing.

Nina, in turn, reacted to the rumored breakup by using a screenshot of the report to serve relationship advice on her Instastory, stating that any relationship built on social media doesn’t last. Nkechi Blessing, in response to Nina’s post, promised to provide an official response after returning from her trip to Atlanta. The article includes images related to the social media interactions.

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