You Altered INEC Documents

The Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) has accused the Kaduna State chapter of the All Progressives Congress (APC) of evading responsibility, asserting that the APC cannot absolve itself of involvement in a video where some employees of the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) were purportedly caught tampering with ballot documents under INEC’s care.

In a statement released by the PDP’s secretary in the state, Hon. Ibrahim Aliyu Wusono, it was claimed that the Kaduna State APC’s hastily written statement in response to the viral video, without being specifically accused, is suspicious and a preemptive effort to divert attention from potential involvement of the APC.

In yesterday’s statement, the PDP expressed amusement at the hastily written statement by the Kaduna State APC, absolving itself of complicity in the video where some INEC personnel were alleged to have tampered with ballot documents.

Responding to these allegations and the video, Yahaya Pate, the secretary of Kaduna State APC, dismissed them as an attempted deception of the tribunal and the general public.