Yomi Fabiyi finally reveals details about his relationship with Mo Bimpe (video)

Nollywood actor Yomi Fabiyi has, at last, disclosed the events that unfolded between himself and his younger colleague, Bimpe Oyebade, known as Mo Bimpe.

Lamenting how he was wrongly labeled in his issues with Mo Bimpe, whom he claimed to have mentored.

The controversial actor has now opened up about how he crossed paths with the actress. It happened when he was about to release a new movie and she messaged him.

According to Yomi Fabiyi, their meeting took place in 2016 when he was preparing to shoot his movie. At that time, Mo Bimpe, a youth corps member, expressed interest in acting.

He also shared the story of their journey together, how he groomed her for the role she played, and how he ensured that the top Nollywood actors who appeared in the movie were not discouraged by her lack of experience.

Yomi Fabiyi constantly reiterated that he had no intimate relationship with Mo Bimpe and emphasized that he solely trained her in the Nollywood profession.

Yomi Fabiyi dismisses critics attempting to silence him

Kemi Filani also reported that Yomi Fabiyi fired back at critics who expected him to be silenced in response to the allegations against him.

The father of one stated that he is an emotional person with principles and that he will always speak the truth, regardless of the backlash or distortion.

He wrote: “I have standards, but I won’t masquerade behind lies or pretend to be silent about matters that affect me emotionally. My mental health takes priority over any social media or celebrity norms.”

He continued: “Have you seen anyone die and the world stops? I will continue to SPEAK THE TRUTH, STAND BY WHAT IS RIGHT NO MATTER THE HEAT and TWIST online. Anyone can become an adversary. They cannot defeat me.”