Yemi Blaq on his feelings about fame and publicity

Yemi Blaq, a well-known actor, shares with BLESSING ENENAITE about his journey in the entertainment industry and his perspectives on various matters.

When you first delved into acting, did you anticipate reaching this level of success?

Right from the start, I always aspired for the best. I was determined to elevate my career to the highest possible level and I persistently pursued that objective. I refused to accept failure and grabbed every opportunity that came my way. I am grateful for how far I’ve come and the prospects ahead in my career.

Do you think your distinct voice and physique have influenced the roles you’ve secured?

An actor embodies a combination of their voice, physique, and skill. I believe that a blend of these factors has propelled my career. I value my talent and how it has contributed to my journey.

As the saying goes, “the gift of a man will make room for him and he will stand before kings and queens.” I appreciate the talent I’ve been endowed with and how it has opened doors for me in my career.

What inspired you to pursue acting as a career?

I can’t pinpoint a specific inspiration for becoming an actor, but I’ve always been passionate about the arts. Whether it’s singing, storytelling, or poetry, the arts have been a natural inclination for me. It was a series of organic progressions that led me to where I am today. There wasn’t a definitive moment; life simply guided me here through my innate abilities and dedication.

Has acting been financially rewarding for you?

In the long run, acting has proven to be financially fulfilling. It has provided me with opportunities to pursue my passions and earn from them. Waking up each day and being cognizant of the talent bestowed upon me by God, and the ability to maximize it, brings immense satisfaction.

Describe your industry experience thus far.

Professionally, I’ve been part of the industry since 2003. The journey has been incredibly enriching, characterized by a learning curve, overcoming challenges, and witnessing the industry’s evolution.

The landscape when I entered the industry was vastly different from what it is today. The changing dynamics, emergence of new markets, and evolving structures paint an inspiring picture of its trajectory. We’re all eager to witness its continued growth.

Some celebrities have fame without substantial wealth. Do you consider acting to have made you wealthy?

My wealth lies in the impact I make on people through my talent. Witnessing the genuine appreciation for my work is overwhelming. When I step into a role, I strive for authenticity, aiming for it to resonate with audiences.

Achieving that connection is my true wealth. The ability to bring joy to others brings immense fulfillment.

What has fame brought into your life?

Fame has served as a gateway, providing access and assistance when needed. It has facilitated opportunities and opened doors, thanks to the recognition it brings.

Which role propelled you into the limelight?

My breakthrough role was in the 2005 movie, ‘Lost to Lust’, where I portrayed the lead character. It was a fulfilling experience that laid the foundation for subsequent roles.

Have you regretted being famous?

I’m not fond of the spotlight associated with fame. While I deeply cherish my profession and the arts, constant recognition is something I’m not entirely comfortable with.

Compare your early industry years to the present.

In the past, the industry operated in a simpler and less structured manner. It was a different era with limitations on content consumption and a greater focus on the craft itself, as opposed to prevalent contemporary themes such as fashion and social media appeal.

The current landscape, influenced by social media, streaming platforms, increased financial potential, competition, and diverse opportunities, presents a stark contrast from the industry’s earlier stages.

Who were influential figures during your early industry years?

Steph-Nora Okere played a pivotal role in acquainting me with the industry upon my arrival in Lagos. She provided invaluable insights and guidance. Additionally, Meg Video Links offered me the opportunity to take on a lead role, and numerous others granted me roles in their productions.

Mercy Johnson, particularly, provided counsel when I contemplated a significant decision about my appearance for a role, emphasizing the value of the opportunities presented to me. These individuals significantly contributed to my growth in the industry.

Aside from acting, you also work as a songwriter, poet, and voice-over artist. Can you elaborate on your contributions in these domains?

My song ‘E No Dey Reach’ was released last year and is available on various streaming platforms. I am considering the production of a corresponding music video and envision releasing additional songs, ultimately culminating in an album. Collaborative projects with others are also in the works, with plans for public disclosure by 2024.

How do you engage with your fans?

I prioritize daily interaction with my fans and make it a point to respond to direct messages on social media. When encountering fans in public, I engage in conversations, irrespective of my schedule, recognizing the pivotal role of fans in appreciating and connecting with entertainment content.

Do you shield your family from the public eye?

I maintain a deliberate distance between my family and social media. I value my privacy and refrain from extensively showcasing my personal life. Anonymity, tranquility, and privacy are significant to me, and I limit public exposure as much as possible.

What does fatherhood signify to you?

I perceive myself as a modern father, emphasizing approachability, hands-on involvement, and effective communication, diverging from rigid enforcement of rules. I strive to foster a harmonious environment where open communication prevails.

How do you relax?

My relaxation involves creating a tranquil atmosphere at home, as I am not inclined towards crowded spaces. Reading, writing, listening to music, and enjoying movies within an intimate setting with loved ones constitute my preferred leisure activities. These personal preferences deviate from conventional expectations for entertainers, as I find solace in a more subdued environment.