Yangy, the Babcock student accused of raping 24 girls including his cousin has reacted (video)

Godknows ‘Yangy’ Adolphus Owhor, the Babcock student accused of raping 24 girls including his cousin has denied all the accusations.

Two days ago, the student’s alleged victims came forward with their story after Twitter user @caramelangiee shared screenshots of a DM she got. (Read here)

Addressing the rape scandal in a video, Yangy says he almost killed himself when the rape accusations against him surfaced online. He also denied ever meeting any of the alleged victims.

Watch the video below.

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student, Yangy denies raping 24 girls. . . Godknows ‘Yangy’ Adolphus Owhor, the Babcock student who was accused on Twitter of raping 24 girls including his cousin has denied all the accusations. He says he almost killed himself when the rape accusations against him surfaced online.

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