Woman’s Revelation about Intimate Encounter with Pastor Caught in Her Bed

In Elukho Village, Lurambi Constituency, Kakamega County, a 55-year-old woman identified as Jane Omwaga went through cleansing rituals on Tuesday, July 7, after being discovered engaging in sexual intercourse with her pastor, Moses Olutatwa, 52, in her marital home on Monday, July 6.


The lady was caught in the act when her husband, Josephat Omwaga, who works as a security guard at a local market, unexpectedly returned home.


Reportedly, the pastor, affiliated with the Solid Rock for Jesus Christ Church in Lurambi where Jane attends, fled the scene, leaving behind his motorcycle and some clothing.


Explaining her reasons for the intimate encounter with her pastor, the mother of three accused her husband of neglecting his sexual and financial responsibilities.


Jane recounted the events, saying;


“The pastor came to my home at 5 am and knocked on my door. I let him in. We chatted for some time and then got into bed. We became intimate, and as we were in the act, I heard my husband knocking on the door. The pastor and I quickly got out of bed. Then, I opened the backdoor for him (Olutatwa) to escape. However, my husband managed to open the main door and entered before the pastor could escape far enough. Still, my lover managed to pass through a barbed wire fence as my husband chased him with a machete in his hands.

“The pastor had recently seduced me, expressing his emotional and sexual desires. Because he had shown that he cared for me by offering financial and emotional support, I made the choice to engage in a sexual relationship with him. It was our first intimate encounter. Additionally, my husband’s persistent distrust that I was being unfaithful also influenced my decision.”


On his part, Omwaga stated that he would not forgive his wife of 20 years for her infidelity. He expressed;


“If I had caught my wife having sex with the pastor in a sugarcane or maize plantation, I might have forgiven her. However, she chose to disrespect me by bringing another man into our marital bed. This is the highest level of disrespect, and I will not tolerate it. I have informed my spouse that I am divorcing her and afterward, I will sell the plot of land where our marital home is situated and relocate.”


Prior to Jane’s return to her parents’ home in Khwisero Constituency, Kakamega County, both Jane and Moses Olutatwa were required to present a cow each.


Jackson Makale, a Luhya elder, explained to K24 Digital that presenting a cow each would protect their families from misfortunes such as mysterious illnesses or deaths.


Area chief, Alex Mutende, denounced the incident and revealed that the police have launched an investigation into the “shameful incident.”