'Witches' advocate challenges Apostle Suleiman to heal a COVID-19 patient and get $1k reward

The challenge set by Leo Igwe, the Director of Advocacy for Alleged Witches (AFAW), to Apostle Johnson Suleman involves the miraculous healing of a COVID-19 or HIV patient, with a reward of $1,000.

In response to Apostle Suleman’s remarks urging the government to allow pastors to pray and heal COVID-19 patients, Leo Igwe wrote an open letter challenging him to demonstrate his spiritual abilities in a controlled medical and scientific environment.

According to Igwe, such a challenge has become necessary as faith healing claims have not been openly contested. He emphasizes the importance of testing the much-avowed healing gifts and abilities of pastors, given the outbreak of COVID-19.

The challenge to Apostle Suleman is not only limited to healing COVID-19 patients but also extends to healing patients living with HIV. Igwe believes that now is the time for religious leaders to prove the effectiveness of their faith healing propositions.

Furthermore, Igwe suggests that Suleman can conduct the healing from a distance, citing Biblical references to support his standpoint. He emphasizes the need for these demonstrations to be conducted under agreed scientific testing conditions.

Overall, Igwe’s challenge aims to encourage transparency and accountability in the realm of faith healing, especially in the context of the current global health crisis.