#WhyIDidntReport trends on Twitter as rape survivors reveal why they kept quiet after being abused

The hashtag #WhyIDidntReport is gaining traction on Twitter as survivors of sexual abuse and rape are sharing their reasons for not reporting their abusers. These survivors, both women and men, are explaining why they chose to remain silent after experiencing such trauma.

A large number of rape survivors choose not to speak out or identify their rapists. When survivors do open up about their experiences years later, they are often questioned about why they did not come forward sooner or why they stayed silent for so long.

The hashtag #WhyIDidntReport has sparked a significant number of tweets on the platform, leading to it becoming a trending topic on Twitter. Numerous individuals are using the hashtag to share their personal reasons for not reporting their abuse.

The tweets shared on this hashtag are so numerous that they have caused it to trend on the social media platform. The reason why reports were not made ranged from fear of not being believed, fear of retribution, to feelings of shame and guilt.