"We have tools no-one else can boast of" – President Putin threatens that Russia will use nukes against anyone who 'interferes' in Ukraine war

President Putin has declared that Russia will employ nuclear weapons against any nation that interferes with the country’s conflict in Ukraine. Delivering his address to legislators in St Petersburg on Thursday April 28, Putin asserted that Russia’s response to external threats would be swift and lethal.

He warned that any interference would pose an unacceptable strategic threat to Russia, emphasizing that the country possesses unparalleled weapons and is prepared to utilize them. Although Putin did not explicitly mention nuclear weapons, it is widely believed that his remarks alluded to Russia’s recently tested Sarmat 2 nuclear missile.

During his speech about the ‘special military operation’ in Ukraine, Putin reaffirmed his confidence that all objectives would be accomplished by the Russian military. He commended the troops for their efforts to prevent a large-scale conflict, dismissing allegations that Russia was responsible for inciting it.

Putin also accused Ukraine of seeking to acquire nuclear and biological weapons, justifying Russia’s actions as a timely and correct response to these perceived threats. He denounced Western attempts to alienate Russia and create divisions within the country, likening the situation to a proxy war with NATO.

Meanwhile, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has expressed concerns about the escalating situation, cautioning that the risk of a nuclear conflict is real. Lavrov emphasized the gravity of the current state of relations between Russia and the West, comparing it to the height of the Cold War during the Cuban missile crisis.

The Russian leadership’s bold declarations and warnings have raised apprehensions about the potential for a nuclear confrontation and the implications of the ongoing conflict in Ukraine.