We have full confidence in INEC

The United States government has expressed its full confidence in the Independent National Electoral Commission’s (INEC) ability to conduct a successful election in 2023. The announcement came shortly after the US government announced a visa ban against Nigerians accused of undermining democracy in the country.

Mary Beth Leonard, the US ambassador to Nigeria, made this statement at the 20th Daily Trust Dialogue in Abuja. She emphasized that the US does not have a favorite candidate and is solely seeking a peaceful and transparent election in Nigeria.

According to Leonard, “The United States supports credible and transparent elections that will reflect the will of the people in a process that will be conducted peacefully. We have confidence in INEC to conduct the elections. 2023 is an opportunity for Nigeria to claim its place as the democratic leader in Africa. We favor no candidate. We favor open and transparent elections conducted in a peaceful process. This is the foundation of democracy and legitimate transfer of power. It’s good that we reflect on the fact that since 1999, Nigerians voters have successfully exercise their democratic rights. For more than two decades, Nigeria has demonstrated to Africa and the world its strong commitment to peaceful and transparent elections.”

The US ambassador also highlighted that while democracy is being tampered with in many places in Africa, it is deepening in Nigeria.