"Warning from Actress Kehinde Olorunyomi: Excessive Discipline of House Help Could Indicate an Affair"

Actress Kehinde Olorunyomi, known for her roles in Nollywood, recently took to Twitter and Instagram to caution wives about the behavior of their husbands towards the house help.


She expressed her concern in a tweet, mentioning, “When your husband beats your house help too much, be vigilant my sister, he is sleeping with her or the girl is proving difficult to sleep with.”


On Instagram, she further elaborated, “When you employ a female help, the onus is on the woman of the house to correct and sometimes discipline the help. But when your husband is on this train and is in total charge, in fact he loves to be the one to cane the girl, be vigilant my sister! My 2 kobo. Have a beautiful weekend! Freedom is coming tomorrow!!!”


"When your husband beats your house help too much, he is sleeping with her" Actress Kehinde Olorunyomi warns


"When your husband beats your house help too much, he is sleeping with her" Actress Kehinde Olorunyomi warns