Warning Against Lifting Ban on Togolese and Beninese Certificates – NANS

According to the National Association of Nigerian Students, the Federal Government should maintain its ban on certificates acquired from universities in Togo and the Republic of Benin. The students’ group emphasized the importance of upholding this policy, stating that any reversal could have negative consequences and undermine the country’s commitment to providing quality education for its people.

In a statement released on Saturday by Abdul-Yekinn Odunayo, the National Senate Clerk of NANS in Abeokuta, Ogun State, the group cautioned against succumbing to pressure to lift the ban.

Odunayo expressed concern over calls for the suspension on certificates from institutions in Togo and Benin to be revoked, arguing that giving in to such demands would be detrimental to the nation.

Highlighting Nigeria’s prominent position in education on the continent, he emphasized the need to prevent substandard certificates from lesser-known universities from being recognized in Nigeria.

NANS stated, “It is imperative for the Federal Government to uphold standards in the education sector, particularly in tertiary institutions, to ensure the production of competent graduates.”

The group reiterated its support for the government’s decision to suspend certificates from Togo and Benin, urging the administration led by President Bola Tinubu to invest in adequate resources and infrastructure for the country’s tertiary institutions.