Venezuela arrests two US ‘mercenaries’ after beach raid (photos)

Venezuela made headlines after the arrest of two US citizens, suspected to be carrying out a beach raid aimed at capturing President Nicolás Maduro. Maduro, in a public address, displayed the passports and belongings allegedly belonging to the attackers, while accusing the Trump administration and neighboring Colombia for the incident, a claim that both countries have denied.

The two arrested US citizens were identified as Luke Denman and Airan Berry, both former US special forces soldiers. Meanwhile, a Florida-based ex-Green Beret named Jordan Goudreau claimed responsibility for the operation, stating that the goal was to “liberate” Venezuela and capture President Maduro. Goudreau also revealed the involvement of the US-backed Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaidó in the mission, who has denied any association with the operation.

Venezuelan officials reported the capture of eight “mercenaries,” including National Guardsman Capt. Antonio Sequea, and announced the detention of 114 people suspected to be linked to the attack while pursuing 92 others. The incident unfolded as Venezuela continues to grapple with political and economic turmoil under Maduro’s leadership, despite ongoing efforts by the US to remove him from power.

The arrest and details surrounding the foiled raid have added to the existing tensions between Venezuela and the US, as Maduro faces international scrutiny along with the recent indictment by the US government as a drug trafficker.