Vanishing Act: Younger Sister Steps in as Bride Goes Missing on Wedding Day in Niger State

It was a surreal turn of events in Niger State, as the bride mysteriously disappeared on her wedding day, leading to her younger sister taking her place to marry the groom.


The family and friends had gathered on Friday, May 13, for the wedding ceremony in New Bussa, Niger State, only to realize that the bride was nowhere to be found.


Upon questioning by concerned friends, it was revealed that the bride had expressed her desire to temporarily go into hiding, expressing her lack of interest in the marriage.


Following the disappearance, the family of the missing bride held a discreet meeting and subsequently invited the groom’s family to join the discussion, according to Borgu Online.


After much deliberation, it was mutually agreed by both families to proceed with the wedding, with the bride’s younger sister stepping in as a replacement.


It was reported that the younger sister willingly agreed to marry the groom, and thus the wedding ceremony went ahead as planned.


The new bride expressed her happiness at being united with her “God-given husband.”