US Military Operation in Yemen Results in Killing of al-Qaeda Leader Qassim al-Rimi, Confirms Donald Trump

Following a counter-terrorism operation in Yemen, the US military has successfully eliminated al-Qaeda leader Qassim al-Rimi, the mastermind behind the fatal shooting at Naval Air Station Pensacola in Florida, where three American sailors lost their lives at the hands of a Saudi Aviation trainee.


While details regarding the timing of al-Rimi’s death were not disclosed by US President Donald Trump, he stated that the United States and its allies are now safer due to this outcome.


                    Donald Trump confirms al-Qaeda leader Qassim al-Rimi has been killed in U.S. military operation in Yemen

In a statement, Trump asserted, “We will continue to protect the American people by tracking down and eliminating terrorists who seek to do us harm.”

The State Department had announced a $10 million reward for any information leading to al-Rimi’s capture just last month, following al-Qaeda’s acknowledgment of responsibility for the naval base attack.

In an 18-minute video shared on Twitter, al-Rimi had claimed his group’s involvement in the shooting at the base on December 6. 

                  Donald Trump confirms al-Qaeda leader Qassim al-Rimi has been killed in U.S. military operation in Yemen

In the video, al-Rimi denounced America, stating, “I’m against evil, and America as a whole has turned into a nation of evil. I hate you because every day you (are) supporting, funding and committing crimes not only against Muslims but also humanity.”