Upgrade of Plateau Medical Laboratory College Receives Support from Reps Committee

Support for speciality health colleges and institutions nationwide to meet their objectives was assured by the House of Representatives Committee on Speciality Healthcare.

During an oversight visit to the Federal College of Medical Laboratory Scientist Technology in Jos, Plateau State, the committee, led by Chairman Dr. Alex Egbona, expressed readiness to back the college’s transformation into a full-fledged university.

Inspection of facilities and review of the implementation of the 2023 Appropriations Act, including capital projects and expenditures, were part of the committee’s activities. Prof. Sunday Etukudoh, the college Provost, was lauded by Egbona for his exceptional leadership.

In discussions with reporters, Egbona praised the college’s facilities, suggesting the need for its upgrade to university status due to its modern and state-of-the-art equipment.

Addressing the provost’s plea for additional funding to complete capital projects, Egbona mentioned potential avenues for financial support, including special interventions and engagements with the state government and the Speaker.

The committee assured the provost of legislative backing and timely release of funds to enhance the college’s infrastructure and operational efficiency.

Etukudoh expressed gratitude for the committee’s visit, acknowledging their commitment to improving the college’s capabilities and resources.

The committee’s invaluable recommendations and support were deemed crucial for advancing the college’s mission and enhancing diagnostic services for the nation.