Understanding Atomic Heart’s Difficulty Options and Levels

The World of Atomic Heart

Atomic Heart, created by Mundfish and published by Focus Entertainment and 4Divinity, is a unique video game that combines elements of first-person shooter and action role-playing genres. It was released on February 21, 2023, for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S. The game is set in an alternate timeline within the Soviet Union’s peak, where a catastrophic event at a secretive research facility has unleashed anomalous entities that defy natural laws. Players are thrust into a world filled with monstrous mechanical creatures and undead remnants, struggling to survive and uncover the mysteries.

Demystifying Atomic Heart’s Difficulty Settings

In the alternate Soviet-dominated setting of Atomic Heart, players can immerse themselves in a blend of gunplay and melee combat. The game offers three distinct difficulty settings: Peaceful Atom, Local Failure, and Armageddon.

Peaceful Atom is the easiest setting, while Local Failure serves as the standard difficulty option, and Armageddon poses the highest challenge. Players have the flexibility to adjust the difficulty as they progress, ensuring they can tailor their experience according to their skill level.

Deciphering Atomic Heart’s Difficulty Levels

The developers at Mundfish have taken a creative approach to naming the difficulty settings in Atomic Heart, deviating from the traditional Easy, Normal, and Hard labels. Each difficulty level introduces unique gameplay elements that significantly impact the overall experience. This guide aims to shed light on the nuances of each setting and assist players in selecting the most suitable one for their playthrough.

Atomic Heart offers three difficulty options: Peaceful Atom, Local Failure, and Armageddon, which correspond to Easy, Medium, and Hard modes. Your choice of difficulty will greatly influence how challenging the game feels, so it’s essential to pick one that aligns with your proficiency. Players can adjust the difficulty settings at any time through the gameplay menu if they find the current level either too easy or too demanding. While the naming convention might evoke memories of games like Wolfenstein, the titles and descriptions of each difficulty setting in Atomic Heart offer ample context to understand their respective challenges.

 The Varied Difficulty Modes in Atomic Heart

Peaceful Atom

Known as the Story Mode, Peaceful Atom provides a narrative-driven experience with relatively manageable enemy encounters. While there may be tough bosses, this mode prioritizes storytelling over intense combat, allowing players to progress without constant battles.

The Peaceful Atom setting (also described as a “tour of Facility 3826”) enables players to focus on the story without being overly concerned about combat. While battles still require caution, players can proceed without scavenging excessively for resources before each fight.

Local Failure

Local Failure offers a moderate challenge for players seeking a balanced experience. This difficulty level encourages strategic thinking and adaptability, with the game urging players to prepare adequately and exploit enemy weaknesses in real-time.


For seasoned first-person shooter enthusiasts or those who have mastered Atomic Heart, Armageddon presents a punishing difficulty. Enemies are more formidable and deal increased damage, turning every skirmish into a fierce test of survival. Resource management becomes critical, necessitating constant scavenging for supplies outside combat encounters.

Exploring Atomic Heart’s Various Difficulty Options and Levels

To overcome the challenges posed by evil robots and mutants in Atomic Heart, players must utilize a diverse arsenal, including weapons, a special power glove, and quick reflexes. Fortunately, the game offers a selection of difficulty options to tailor the gameplay experience to individual preferences.

It’s worth noting that opting for a higher difficulty setting may extend the time required to complete Atomic Heart, as tougher opponents will demand a more strategic approach. Regardless of the chosen difficulty level, players can benefit from an Atomic Heart walkthrough containing valuable tips, tricks, and guides based on firsthand gameplay experiences detailed in our Atomic Heart review.

Overview of Atomic Heart’s Difficulty Options

Here is a breakdown of the difficulty options in Atomic Heart:

  • Peaceful Atom (Easy) – This mode offers a story-focused experience with less challenging combat, allowing players to immerse themselves in the narrative without excessive difficulty.
  • Local Failure (Medium) – Balanced for players seeking a moderate gameplay challenge, this mode strikes a suitable balance between difficulty and accessibility.
  • Armageddon (Hard) – Geared towards hardcore gamers, this difficulty level ramps up the enemy threat, requiring heightened skill and resource management. Choose this mode for the ultimate Atomic Heart challenge.

The chosen difficulty level directly impacts the strength and ferocity of enemies, adjusting their health and damage output accordingly. Higher difficulties such as Armageddon demand efficient resource utilization to survive, as enemies become more resilient and lethal.

Deep Dive into Atomic Heart’s Gameplay

Atomic Heart presents a captivating blend of first-person shooter mechanics and action role-playing elements. Players engage in combat using varied weapons against an array of foes, including mechanical, biomechanical, biological, and aerial adversaries. The game incorporates a robust crafting system, allowing players to create weapons from salvaged metal parts, upgrade firearms using “cassettes,” and enhance ammunition with elemental effects from canisters. Stealth tactics and quick-time events add depth to the gameplay experience. Players wield the Polymer Glove, empowering them with telekinetic, freezing, and electrical abilities that synergize with both melee and ranged combat. Depleted canisters lose their elemental effects and are removed from the player’s inventory.


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