Twitter users express their reactions to a mother’s disclosure about beating her son before he turned 1

Twitter users react after a mother said she and her husband started beating their son before he turned 1 to establish authority early

A mother sparked controversy on social media after admitting that she and her husband resorted to beating their child before he turned one in a bid to establish authority early in his life.


The mother, using the handle @decey_blue, made the revelation in response to a tweet urging parents to assert authority over their children from an early age.


In her response, @decey_blue endorsed the idea and claimed that her two-year-old son is now obedient because her husband began beating him before he turned one. She emphasized that her husband insisted on implementing all the necessary measures while he is still young.


Twitter users react after a mother said she and her husband started beating their son before he turned 1 to establish authority early


This statement triggered widespread outrage as many argued that the mother and her husband have subjected their son to trauma to the extent that he is now timid and not as “obedient and lovely” as she perceives him to be.

Twitter users react after a mother said she and her husband started beating their son before he turned 1 to establish authority early
Twitter users react after a mother said she and her husband started beating their son before he turned 1 to establish authority early
Twitter users react after a mother said she and her husband started beating their son before he turned 1 to establish authority early
Twitter users react after a mother said she and her husband started beating their son before he turned 1 to establish authority early