Trump Responds to Critics Blasting Him for Playing Golf Over the Weekend

Amid the Coronavirus pandemic that has already claimed almost 100,000 lives in the US, President Donald Trump has responded to criticisms of him golfing over the weekend.


Old tweets resurfaced, showing Trump berating Barack Obama in 2014 for golfing during the Ebola crisis, which sparked criticism of Trump’s actions.


Trump took to Twitter to lash out at his critics, stating, “Some stories about the fact that in order to get outside and perhaps, even a little exercise, I played golf over the weekend.”


He continued, “The Fake & Totally Corrupt News makes it sound like a mortal sin – I knew this would happen! What they don’t say is that it was my first golf in almost 3 months and, if I waited 3 years, they would do their usual “hit” pieces anyway.”

“They are sick with hatred and dishonesty. They are truly deranged! They don’t mention Sleepy Joe’s poor work ethic, or all of the time Obama spent on the golf course, often flying to Hawaii in a big, fully loaded 747, to play.”

“What did that do to the so-called Carbon Footprint?” He also played moments after the brutal killing by ISIS of a wonderful young man. Totally inappropriate – and it was me who shattered 100% of the ISIS Caliphate. I was left a MESS!” he concluded