Trump administration sues former National Security Adviser John Bolton over new book

Trump administration takes legal action against former National Security Adviser John Bolton over his new book

The White House has filed a lawsuit requesting a federal judge to halt the release of former national security adviser John Bolton’s forthcoming book about his time in the White House. The administration argues that Bolton would violate the contract he signed with the Trump administration and potentially disclose classified information by publishing the book.

The lawsuit, submitted on Tuesday evening in Washington, DC federal court, alleges that Bolton’s manuscript, which spans over 500 pages, contains “a significant amount of classified information.” It claims that Bolton failed to complete the ongoing White House vetting process for the book, which he was obligated to do under the agreements he had signed.

“(Bolton) struck a bargain with the United States as a condition of his employment in one of the most sensitive and important national security positions in the United States Government and now wants to renege on that bargain by unilaterally deciding that the prepublication review process is complete and deciding for himself whether classified information should be made public,” prosecutors stated in the lawsuit.

Bolton was dismissed by Trump last year, with allegations of pressuring the president to engage in military conflict with Iran and North Korea. Following his departure, he announced his intent to write a tell-all book about his White House experience, prompting Trump to assert that it violates the non-disclosure agreement he signed before joining the administration.

The White House also contends that Bolton’s book will reveal national security information, with the scheduled release date set for June 23.

Simon & Schuster, the book’s publishers, had previously announced the release date of Bolton’s book, “In the Room Where It Happened: A White House Memoir,” as June 23, indicating that the book has already been shipped to warehouses ahead of its scheduled publication.

Reports suggest that Bolton is determined to proceed with the release of the book as planned, indicating his willingness to address any consequences from the administration afterwards, rather than before.

To read the full lawsuit, click HERE