Travel Advisory: UK and US Caution Citizens on Traveling to Certain Areas in Nigeria

Citizens of the United States and the United Kingdom living in Nigeria have been cautioned against traveling on the airport road in Abuja and visiting 19 states across the country.


The United Kingdom’s travel advisory has identified states such as Borno, Yobe, Adamawa, Gombe, Kaduna, Katsina, Zamfara, and riverine areas of Delta, Bayelsa, Rivers, Akwa Ibom, and Cross River as areas to avoid for non-essential travel.


In the advisory, foreign citizens are advised to restrict their travel to only essential trips to Bauchi, Kano, Jigawa, Niger, Sokoto, Kogi, within 20km of the border with Niger in Kebbi State, Abia and non-riverine areas of Delta, Bayelsa, Rivers, Plateau, and Taraba.


In a statement titled ‘Abuja FCT prison break near the airport on July 5, 2022,’ the US Embassy has highlighted the rise in crime across Nigeria.


The statement issued a warning regarding the recent attack on Kuje Prison, which resulted in the escape of a significant number of inmates. The prison, located approximately 27 miles southwest of the Central Business District, has raised concerns over the potential increase in criminal activities in and around Abuja. As a precaution, U.S. citizens are advised to maintain a high level of personal security awareness for the next two weeks and to avoid unnecessary travel on the airport road. The advisory also emphasizes the endemic nature of crime in Nigeria, particularly after dark, and advises on practical measures to reduce the risk of being a victim of crime.


The statement further emphasizes the threat of terrorist activities targeting U.S. citizens abroad, highlighting the shift towards less sophisticated methods of attack. It advises citizens to be vigilant and exercise caution in various public settings. The advisory urges individuals to stay informed through local media, review personal security plans, and take necessary precautions to ensure safety.