Tragic Incident: Pastor’s Attempt to Fast for 40 Days Like Jesus Christ Ends in Fatality [Photos]

  • At the conclusion of the 40-day fast, the pastor was reportedly unable to stand, walk, or bathe independently.
  • Eyewitnesses recounted that he declined to consume water and food throughout the fasting period, causing concern among his loved ones.

A Mozambican pastor has tragically passed away after endeavoring to fast for 40 days and 40 nights, mirroring the actions of Jesus Christ.

The pastor, identified as the founder of the Santa Trindade Evangelical Church in the central province of Manica, Francisco Barajah, was reportedly unable to stand, walk, or bathe independently at the culmination of the 40 days of fasting.

Regrettably, he succumbed to his condition at a hospital in the city of Beira on Wednesday, 12th February 2023.

Eyewitnesses reported that he steadfastly refused to consume water and food during the fasting period, which elicited concern from his family and friends. Tragically, he lost his life following the fasting period.