Tragic Attack: 12-year-old Girl Detonates Bomb in Islamic Seminary, Killing Three

A devastating incident unfolded as a 12-year-old female suicide bomber attacked an Islamic seminary on the outskirts of Maiduguri, the Borno state capital. Tragically, three boys lost their lives in the attack on Thursday night, January 30th.


Reports indicate that the young suicide bomber walked into a classroom where boys had just finished their lessons and triggered the explosives she was carrying.

Mohammed Bola, head of the anti-jihadist militia in the area, revealed, “She killed three boys and injured four others,” as reported by AFP.


Prior to this harrowing incident, another young girl had detonated explosives inside a house in the area, causing injury to one person.

“The house was totally destroyed. Luckily, no one was killed as the occupants of the house were outside chatting with neighbors,” he said.


As of now, the Nigerian Military has not issued any statement regarding this tragic turn of events.