Tonto Dikeh advises not to get deceived by social media’s glamorous facade

Nollywood star Tonto Dikeh recently used her Instagram platform to offer some words of wisdom to young individuals who are still in the “hustling” phase.


She cautioned social media users not to fall into the trap of feeling down when they see others enjoying luxurious trips and vacations, as many of these experiences are the result of long-term planning and saving. Dikeh pointed out that even the display of expensive cars, houses, and phones by wealthy individuals is the outcome of careful financial planning and savings.


The actress encouraged young people to strike a balance between saving for essential things and allowing themselves to indulge, emphasizing that the glamorous facade presented on social media does not necessarily reflect the reality of people’s lives.


Dikeh’s advice reads as follows:


Quick advice for young hustling people:

A lot of you come on social media to see people who are having a great time with exotic trips and vacation, and you slip into depression, what you don’t know is that many people plan and save towards their trips. Some people plan a year before or even two years. A beautiful photo that shows a vacation might be a result of saving for many years. Don’t be deceived into thinking it’s that easy. It is not. Even the flashy cars and houses and phones you see with rich people, they plan and save towards it. They won’t tell you, all you know is that they just got a house. Go and ask them how long it took to save up, and the sacrifices they made to gather up the finances.

See, it’s never really too rosy for people as it seems on social media. Just keep working hard. Save for important things. Save to spoil yourself.


It’s never really too rosy for people as it seems on social media - Tonto Dikeh