'They just want their lives back!' Donald Trump defends thousands of protesters demanding Coronavirus lockdown is lifted

US President, Donald Trump, has come to the defense of the numerous demonstrators who have taken to the streets across the US to protest the lockdown measures imposed due to the Coronavirus pandemic, altering their way of life and disrupting their livelihoods.

Despite the death toll of over 40,000 people in the US due to the Coronavirus, Trump has expressed that some of the stay-at-home orders issued by the governors have been excessive, claiming that people are experiencing “cabin fever” and simply yearn to reclaim their normal lives.


Recently, some protesters were seen brandishing Nazi flags as they assembled in the state capitals of Michigan, Minnesota, and Virginia. Trump’s subsequent tweet urging the states to “LIBERATE” raised concerns that he may be inciting violent actions, but Trump has refuted these allegations.



Trump stated that those participating in the protests, including individuals in Olympia, Washington, Virginia, and Michigan, on Sunday, “love our country.”




With further protests planned, Trump refrained from instructing the demonstrators, many of whom were seen wearing Trump merchandise, to stay at home.  

“No, I am not. I’ve never seen so many American flags,” Trump remarked. “They’ve got cabin fever. These people love our country. They want to get back to work.”

“And when the virus passes, I hope we’re going to be sitting next to each other at baseball games, football games, basketball games, ice hockey games,” he continued.
“I hope we’re going to be sitting next to each other. The Masters is going to have 100,000 people, not 25 watching the course,” Trump added.