The Wedding of an American Woman and Her Young Nigerian Fiancé, Initiated by Kano Sharia Police

An invitation was extended to 46-year-old Jeanine Delsky and her 23-year-old fiancé Sulaiman Babayero Isa by the Kano State Sharia Police, also known as Hisbah, at its Panshekara Office. The couple, who met on Instagram and will be marrying a year later, met with Hisbah officials behind closed doors. Present at the meeting were Isa’s father Sulaiman and his brother, although the specific details of the meeting were not divulged.

Alhaji Sulaiman, speaking to the media, expressed his commitment to providing the necessary support for his son to ensure a successful wedding and transition to the United States. It was previously reported by LIB that Jeanine and Isa are set to marry in March 2020.