The UK Government’s Plan to Support Vulnerable Populations During the Coronavirus Pandemic

The UK government has announced that it will be delivering packages of food and aid to 1.5 million ‘extremely vulnerable’ people. This comes after letters were posted ordering them to stay at home for twelve weeks.


During the daily press conference on Sunday, Mr. Johnson stated that the ‘shielding’ of the most vulnerable individuals would be more effective in saving lives than any other measure.


This group includes individuals with severe respiratory conditions and certain types of cancer, such as blood or marrow cancers.


Communities Secretary Robert Jenrick emphasized the need to ‘go further’ in protecting clinically vulnerable people and assured them that they are not alone.


He also highlighted the creation of a network of local ‘hubs’ to ensure that those without support receive essential supplies.


Mr. Jenrick underscored the importance of unity and support for the vulnerable during these challenging times, especially for those with underlying health conditions.


He disclosed that GPs were advising thousands of patients with pre-existing health issues to stay at home and revealed plans for the NHS to deliver medicines and for essential supplies to be provided to individuals at risk through coordinated efforts with various organizations.


He also urged the public to remain considerate and responsible in their behavior as the system has sufficient food to meet everyone’s needs.