The Tragic Incident: Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University Student’s Untimely Demise

The sad news of the passing of Naja’atu Salisu, a female student at Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University in Bauchi, has been confirmed, after she collapsed in the bathroom.

Naja’atu, a 300-level computer science student, tragically lost her life after her sister found her unconscious in the bathroom on a fateful Friday.

Speaking on the incident, Naja’atu’s roommate, who chose to remain anonymous, shared with Arewa PUNCH, “She had completed her morning routine and was all set for her class before heading into the bathroom.

“Naja’atu had even selected her outfit for the day and placed it beside her bed.”

The university’s Director of Information and Public Relations, Zailani Bappa, shared details, stating, “Naja’atu had brought out her study materials, ready for a shower in the morning, with her sister waiting for them to head to class together.”

“Her sister’s alarm was raised when she noticed Naja’atu taking an unusually long time in the bathroom. Upon checking, she found her lying unconscious on the bathroom floor at the female hostel in the Gubi campus of the university.”

Efforts were made to save Naja’atu as she was rushed to the university’s clinic for medical assistance, but sadly, finding a vein for transfusion proved to be challenging.

“Recognizing the severity of the situation, she was swiftly transferred to the Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University Teaching Hospital where medical professionals confirmed her passing,” he added.

The family in Abuja accepted the situation and requested an Islamic funeral for Naja’atu,” Bappa confirmed.

Her burial was in accordance with Islamic rites.

Condolences poured in from various student bodies, including the Students Union Government (SUG) ATBU Bauchi, expressing sorrow over the unfortunate incident to the family and school authorities.