The Reckless Behavior of a Pimp: 61-Year-Old Receives 12-Year Prison Sentence for Transmitting HIV to Prostitutes

The 61-year-old pimp, John Nehemiah Rodney, has been sentenced to 12 years in prison for knowingly infecting three prostitutes with HIV after engaging in unprotected sexual encounters with numerous women.


Rodney, from Swindon, tested positive for the virus in August 2013 but continued to have unprotected sex with multiple women. This led to an investigation by detectives starting in 2017, triggered by a complaint from a woman who tested positive for HIV after having sexual relations with him. Initially denying the accusations, Rodney pled guilty to inflicting grievous bodily harm on the women.


The court heard that Rodney engaged in unprotected sex with numerous women over several years without disclosing his condition or receiving essential treatment. More than 50 women were approached for investigation, and experts from the University of Oxford revealed that at least three women had contracted HIV from him after engaging in unprotected sex. The cases presented in court involved women who had been in contact with Rodney since they were teenagers.


During the court proceedings, one of Rodney’s victims highlighted the devastating impact of her positive diagnosis and the psychological toll it took on her, leading to attempted suicides. She expressed how Rodney’s actions had stripped away her autonomy and caused immense suffering for her and others affected, including their families.


Describing Rodney’s actions as ‘unforgivable,’ Judge William Hart emphasized the significant harm inflicted on the victims. Rodney was sentenced to eight years in prison, with an additional four-and-a-half years on an extended licence, to be served concurrently with a previous five-year jail term for breaching a sexual risk order.


While acknowledging Rodney’s poor mental and physical health, his defense representative emphasized that it did not excuse his behavior. Detective Chief Inspector Helen Jacobs condemned Rodney’s actions, stating that his predatory behavior had caused irreparable damage to the lives of numerous women, who will require ongoing treatment.