The National Assembly’s Role in the Naira Collapse and Nigeria’s Debt Issues

Ita Enang, a former member of the Nigerian Senate, has placed blame on the National Assembly for the country’s increasing debt and the devaluation of the naira.

Speaking at the public presentation of Oversight Magazine in Abuja, Enang criticized the National Assembly for their lack of proactive inquiry into the state of the nation’s economy.

Pointing to his experience as the Chairman of the House and Senate Committees on Rules and Business, Enang highlighted the absence of published reports from the National Assembly regarding their oversight activities and their failure to address the mounting national debt.

According to Enang, the National Assembly’s negligence in carrying out proper oversight functions has contributed to the economic challenges faced by Nigeria. He emphasized the importance of scrutinizing budget implementations to ensure accountability and proper allocation of resources.

While Enang acknowledged the lawmakers’ oversight efforts in scrutinizing Ministries, Departments, and Agencies, he expressed disappointment in their lack of follow-through by failing to present detailed reports for review and discussion.

Enang also criticized the executive arm’s failure to implement policies effectively, attributing it to the National Assembly’s poor oversight performance at both state and national levels.

Highlighting the need for fiscal responsibility, Enang urged the National Assembly to be more diligent in scrutinizing government spending and loan applications to prevent mismanagement of funds and accumulation of debt.

Chairman of the House Committee on Judiciary, Oluwole Oke, echoed Enang’s sentiments, emphasizing the challenges faced by parliament in conducting effective oversight due to financial constraints and lack of capacity.

Oke questioned the parliament’s ability to fulfill its oversight responsibilities given the limited resources and operational capacity in Nigeria.

He emphasized the importance of media involvement in promoting transparency and holding government institutions accountable for their actions.

Legislator Austin Akobundu from Abia Central Senatorial District reiterated the significance of oversight in ensuring transparency, accountability, and ethical governance within the public sector.