“The invasion of Ukraine by Russia will be catastrophic,” says US president Joe Biden as Russian forces carry out joint military drills with Belarus

According to US President Joe Biden, Russia is expected to “move in” to Ukraine, following concerns expressed by the country’s president, Vladimir Putin. Biden stated that Russia would face regret and consequences if they invade Ukraine.


This statement comes as Ukrainian and Russian officials meet with Biden’s top diplomat, while Russian troops continue to gather along the border of Ukraine.

In addition, Russia has deployed thousands of troops to Belarus, which shares a border with Ukraine.

Biden has pledged severe economic repercussions for Russia if Putin sends troops across the border, including restricting financial transactions in US dollars. He also suggested that Western nations were not aligned on a course of action if Russia were to carry out a smaller violation of Ukraine’s territory.

At a news conference on January 19, Biden told reporters, “It’s one thing if it’s a minor incursion and we end up having to debate about what to do. But if they actually carry out a full-scale invasion with the forces amassed on the border, it will be a disaster for Russia.”

When asked to clarify the meaning of “minor incursion,” Biden pointed out that “Russian forces crossing the border and killing Ukrainian fighters” would alter the situation significantly.

Biden emphasized the importance of maintaining unity within NATO in response to potential actions by Russia, acknowledging differences in the approach of member countries.

The White House sought to explain Biden’s comments, stressing that a Russian attack in cyberspace or through paramilitary forces would elicit a reciprocal response, in contrast to a scenario where Russian troops physically cross into Ukraine.

On the same note, Press Secretary Jen Psaki stated, “If any Russian military forces move across the Ukrainian border, that’s a renewed invasion, and it will be met with a swift, severe, and united response from the United States and our Allies.”

She added that President Biden was aware of various aggressive tactics employed by Russia and affirmed that such actions would be met with a decisive and united response.


Biden expressed his belief that Russian President Vladimir Putin would soon invade Ukraine, stating, “I’m not so sure he is certain what he is going to do. My guess is he will move in. He has to do something.”

He characterized Putin as a leader seeking relevance in a post-Soviet world, caught between the influences of China and the West.

Biden’s prediction marks a clear acknowledgment that the United States anticipates an attack by Putin, following the massing of 100,000 troops along the Ukraine border.

Biden indicated that Putin understood the economic sanctions being prepared in response to an attack on Ukraine and emphasized the potential impact on Russian transactions in US financial institutions, particularly those involving dollar denominations.

He warned of significant consequences and a heavy price for Russia’s potential invasion of Ukraine, emphasizing the choice between de-escalation and diplomacy or confrontation and its consequences.

Biden concluded by stating, “This is not just a simple maneuver for Russia. They have overwhelming military superiority, but they will face severe immediate, near-term, medium-term, and long-term consequences if they invade Ukraine.”

He also expressed his expectation for Putin to test the United States and NATO but stressed that Russia would face serious repercussions for doing so.

