The Governor of Kogi State Affirms Dedication to Safeguarding Lives and Property

Ahmed Ododo, the Governor of Kogi State, has assured that the security of lives and property will remain a top priority of his administration.

Speaking after the Eid Kabir prayers at the Okene Central Praying Ground on Sunday, Ododo emphasized, “We are determined to ensure that Kogi State is not a safe haven for criminals seeking to carry out unlawful activities.”

Reflecting on the recent kidnapping incident at Confluence University of Science and Technology, Osara, the governor mentioned that the criminals aimed to test the waters but were unsuccessful in executing their nefarious plans.

Ododo expressed gratitude to President Bola Tinubu, security agencies, and local vigilantes for their collaborative efforts in rescuing the abducted students.

He also extended his condolences to the families of the two out of the 31 students who tragically lost their lives while in captivity.

Encouraging Muslims to utilize the Eid el Kabir celebration for introspection, he emphasized that, “This occasion serves as a reminder for sacrifice, love, and compassion, as it is incumbent upon Muslims to look out for one another.”

He urged Nigerians, particularly the residents of the state, to align with the programs and policies of the President.

The governor appealed for fervent prayers for the current administration to overcome prevailing challenges. “The President remains unwaveringly dedicated to revitalizing the lives of the people, in spite of the initial hurdles,” he reiterated.