The Governor of Bauchi State, Bala Mohammed, Urges Residents to Limit Business Activities to Inside the State

Governor Mohammed Bala has called on residents of Bauchi state to refrain from engaging in business activities with individuals located outside the state, as a precautionary measure to prevent the spread of Coronavirus.


During a meeting with caretaker committee chairmen of the twenty local government areas in the state capital, the Bauchi state Governor issued the directive.


In addition, Governor Bala instructed the caretaker committee chairmen to ensure full compliance, close borders around their domains, raise awareness among grassroots communities to avoid any interactions with individuals outside the state, and produce face masks for distribution to the populace to curb the spread of Coronavirus.


A statement released by the special assistant on new media to the Governor, Lawal Muazu Bauchi, indicated that the decision was made to prevent the importation of Coronavirus into the state.


Governor Bala emphasized, “Henceforth, no trade, visit, or any social activity with anybody outside Bauchi state should be conducted. As chairmen of LGAs, you must work to ensure compliance with this order. These committees must work to protect citizens from the prevalence of this dangerous virus; our cases in Bauchi have risen to 80 fresh, not even from the index cases, but from the people who are coming to our state. I sympathize with the government and people of Kano State because of the number of people in the state who have died recently. We must work together to prevent ourselves from this pandemic.”